Category Archives: HR in Japan

Talent Management & Development Journey to Japan

Imagine that you’re the Global Head of Talent at an employer with a significant number of employees in Japan. And then understand that in 2014, 26% of Japan’s population was estimated to be 65 years or older, and the Health and Welfare Ministry has estimated that over-65s will account for 40% of the population by 2060. Then think about how your workforce planning activities will be impacted by this shifting demographic.

The economy of Japan is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity, and is the world’s second largest developed economy. Think about that. The world’s second largest developed economy – with about a population about a third of the U.S.’s. And a population that is aging and shrinking.

Want to learn about those things? Want to learn about them in person in Japan with some really smart Talent Management professionals as your learning/traveling companions? Want to hear from Japan’s biggest employers? From Japan’s government leaders? Yes?

Then join Gerry Crispin and me on a Nanda Journey to Japan in November. Gerry and I traveled together to India – with about 30 other HR leaders – several years ago under SHRM’s auspices. Then 2 years ago we joined together to lead a trip to Cuba with nearly 20 like-minded HR and talent management professionals. It was a life changing trip for many of our travel mates – and we want to do it again this year. In Japan.

Our 10-day itinerary includes meetings with employers, government agency leaders, and special meetings with executives from Recruit – parent company to Indeed, among many other staffing companies around the world. While focusing on talent management issues in the second largest developed economy in the world, we will also spend time in understanding the Japanese cultural landscape. Additionally, we’ll spend two days in the countryside living with families and understanding the small town rural life in Japan.

This journey, organized by our friends at Nanda Journeys, will be an extraordinary 10 days of learning, engaging with our travel companions, and making new professional friends in the land of the rising sun. There will also be a robust companion program perfect for a spouse, partner, child or grandchild.

Click here for more information on our itinerary and a request for information. Take a look. And let me know if you have any questions. Gerry and I are looking forward to another fascinating travel experience learning about Japan’s culture and the unique talent management challenges being faced by its business and government leaders.

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Filed under China Gorman, Data Point Tuesday, Gerry Crispin, HR in Japan, Nanda Journeys